We have seen very useful RAII, lock_guard to lock the mutex.
There are many other ways, we can lock the mutex. One of the easy way is to call
mutex’s own lock () and unlock () functions, which is not recommended. There is a very effective way to lock mutex, which is Unique_lock.
Unique_lock is also RAII and as safe as lock_guard, on top of that it will
provide many more flexibilities, which lock_guard doesn’t offer.
Flexibilities provided by Unique_lock –
- In same scope, we may want to lock mutex initially, but we
may like to execute rest of the statements without mutex. Please look into
below mentioned program (inside executeYourQuery function, initially we had
locked the mutex, then unlock it, in the same scope, and then we can run rest
of statements without lock.)
#include<iostream> #include<memory> #include<thread> #include<mutex> using namespace std; class DB // class responsible for all DB operation. { public: execute(const string& str) { //execute the sql in respective DB } }; class DBConnection { public: DBConnection() { //m_connection = new DB; } //execute your query void executeYourQuery(const string& str) { unique_lock<mutex> nowLockWithGuard(m_lock); m_connection->execute(str); nowLockWithGuard.unlock(); //After unlocking the mutex, now we can execute other logics //which we wanted to execute without mutex. } private: auto_ptr<DB*> m_connection; std::mutex m_lock; }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { DBConnection connection; string input = "select * from emp;"; connection.executeYourQuery(input); return 0; }
- We can lock/unlock as many times as we want. So if you have
any business requirement, where you want to lock and unlock the mutex in same
scope, Unique_lock will help you to do so. Look at the below mentioned program
for more clarity. Also see how we can differ the locking through std::defer_lock
#include<iostream> #include<thread> #include<mutex> using namespace std; class DB // class responsible for all DB operation. { public: execute(const string& str) { //execute the sql in respective DB } }; class DBConnection { public: DBConnection() { m_connection = new DB; } //execute your query void executeYourQuery(const string& str) { /* we can make Unique_lock variable without locking the mutex. we can lock and unlock any number of times in the code, which is very safe and standard library provides it. This we cannot do with lock_guard<> */ unique_lock<mutex> nowLockWithGuard(m_mutex, std::defer_lock); m_connection->execute(str); nowLockWithGuard.unlock(); //After unlocking the mutex, now we can execute other logics //which we wanted to execute without mutex. nowLockWithGuard.lock(); // we locked it again, execute some logic.. // ... nowLockWithGuard.unlock(); // we unlocked it gain. } private: auto_ptr<DB> m_connection; std::mutex m_lock; }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { DBConnection connection; string input = "select * from emp;"; connection.executeYourQuery(input); return 0; }
Like thread object, Unique_lock cannot be copied, we can
only move it, from one Unique_lock to another Unique_lock.
#include<iostream> #include<thread> #include<mutex> using namespace std; class DB // class responsible for all DB operation. { public: execute(const string& str) { //execute the sql in respective DB } }; class DBConnection { public: DBConnection() { m_connection = new DB; } //execute your query void executeYourQuery(const string& str) { unique_lock<mutex> nowLockWithGuard(m_mutex, std::defer_lock); m_connection->execute(str); nowLockWithGuard.unlock(); //After unlocking the mutex, now we can execute other logics //which we wanted to execute without mutex. nowLockWithGuard.lock(); // we locked it again, execute some logic.. // ... nowLockWithGuard.unlock(); // we unlocked it gain. Unique_lock<mutex> nowLockWithGuard02 = std::move(nowLockWithGuard); // this will move the ownership of mutex from nowLockWithGuard to // nowLockWithGuard02, which is not possible in lock_guard<> } private: auto_ptr<DB> m_connection; std::mutex m_lock; }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { DBConnection connection; string input = "select * from emp;"; connection.executeYourQuery(input); return 0; }
Now the question is, if Unique_lock is that good and flexible, then why we don’t use only Unique_lock? The reason we cannot use Unique_lock in every condition is because it is a weighted object. Though it provide many flexibility, it is heavy object, use it all over the place will slow down the performance. lock_guard gives very less flexibility but for light weight application it is the best choice.
Now let’s implement thread safe singleton. A class who will have only one object at max, this will give you step by step understanding on how to implement multithreading in real problem solving scenario.
#include<iostream> #include<thread> #include<mutex> using namespace std; std::mutex m_lock; class Singleton { public: static Singleton* GetInstance(); private: //zero argument copy constructor. Singleton(){} //Copy constructor. Singleton(Singleton &){} // overloaded assignment operator. const Singleton& operator = (Singleton &){} // single pointer which will get refereed in all the places. static Singleton *mp_singleton; }; Singleton* Singleton::mp_singleton = NULL; Singleton* Singleton::GetInstance() { if(mp_singleton == NULL) { unique_lock<mutex> lockMutex(m_lock); mp_singleton = new Singleton; return mp_singleton; } else { return mp_singleton; } } void doSomeWork() { Singleton *ptr1 = Singleton::GetInstance(); cout<<"Address of pointer one is - "<< &ptr1 <<endl; cout<<"Address of pointer Singleton pointer from pointer one is - "<< &(*ptr1) <<endl; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { thread t1(doSomeWork); t1.join(); thread t2(doSomeWork); t2.join(); return 0; }
Let’s discuss the problem with this approach, what if two different threads reach to statement if(mp_singleton == NULL), of function GetInstance at same time, and at this moment mp_singleton is null (means we are calling it first time).
So both thread will enter inside if block and first thread will get the lock (but remember second thread is also at same line of code (unique_lock<mutex> lockMutex(m_lock);) and just waiting first thread to release the lock), so first thread creates the Singleton object and returns, as soon as it releases the lock, second thread will get the lock, and create Singleton again.
So in this case we will end up with two Singleton objects. And after wards for any thread’s call, as mp_singleton will not be null, so statement if(mp_singleton == NULL) will not be true.
Or I can put it in other way. What if thread one is just
creating singleton object(it is in process), but not created yet, and thread two has arrived, at
that moment thread two will found mp_singleton to NULL and he will also enter
inside if block and create two threads.
So is that what we want, two objects, for our singleton class? Of course not.
How can we solve this problem? One simple way is to put locking mechanism outside of, if block. See the code below –
#include<iostream> #include<thread> #include<mutex> using namespace std; std::mutex m_lock; class Singleton { public: static Singleton* GetInstance(); private: //zero argument copy constructor. Singleton(){} //Copy constructor. Singleton(Singleton &){} // overloaded assignment operator. const Singleton& operator = (Singleton &){} // single pointer which will get refereed in all the places. static Singleton *mp_singleton; }; Singleton* Singleton::mp_singleton = NULL; Singleton* Singleton::GetInstance() { unique_lock<mutex> lockMutex(m_lock); if(mp_singleton == NULL) { mp_singleton = new Singleton; return mp_singleton; } else { return mp_singleton; } } void doSomeWork() { Singleton *ptr1 = Singleton::GetInstance(); cout<<"Address of pointer one is - "<< &ptr1 <<endl; cout<<"Address of pointer Singleton pointer from pointer one is - "<< &(*ptr1) <<endl; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { thread t1(doSomeWork); t1.join(); thread t2(doSomeWork); t2.join(); return 0; }
Yeeeee, we did it. Though this code has become thread safe, still a big issue is there. As the locking mechanism went outside of if block, every thread will come and lock it.
Though we have created only one singleton object. Our purpose to use mutex is, when we are creating first singleton object. After we create out first singleton object successfully, we don’t need locking anymore.
As locking and unlocking has their own cost, now though we have created singleton object we are paying the cost of locking and unlocking mutex, for each and every call to GetInstance function, which is not a good programming practice.
Look below mentioned code, to solve above mentioned problem -
#include<iostream> #include<thread> #include<mutex> using namespace std; std::mutex m_lock; std::once_flag m_flagOneTime; class Singleton { public: static Singleton* GetInstance(); private: //zero argument copy constructor. Singleton(){} //Copy constructor. Singleton(Singleton &){} // overloaded assignment operator. const Singleton& operator = (Singleton &){} // single pointer which will get refereed in all the places. static Singleton *mp_singleton; }; Singleton* Singleton::mp_singleton = NULL; Singleton* Singleton::GetInstance() { if(mp_singleton == NULL) { unique_lock<mutex> lockMutex(m_lock); if(mp_singleton == NULL) // check same condition again { mp_singleton = new Singleton; } } return mp_singleton; } void doSomeWork() { Singleton *ptr1 = Singleton::GetInstance(); cout<<"Address of pointer one is - "<< &ptr1 <<endl; cout<<"Address of pointer Singleton pointer from pointer one is - "<< &(*ptr1) <<endl; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { thread t1(doSomeWork); t1.join(); thread t2(doSomeWork); t2.join(); return 0; }
So we want this to execute mp_singleton = new Singleton; statement only one time, okay c++ gives us a way to do that. Use std::call_once() function. Look at below mentioned program –
#include<iostream> #include<thread> #include<mutex> using namespace std; std::mutex m_lock; std::once_flag m_flagOneTime; class Singleton { public: static Singleton* GetInstance(); private: //zero argument copy constructor. Singleton(){} //Copy constructor. Singleton(Singleton &){} // overloaded assignment operator. const Singleton& operator = (Singleton &){} // single pointer which will get refereed in all the places. static Singleton *mp_singleton; }; Singleton* Singleton::mp_singleton = NULL; Singleton* Singleton::GetInstance() { std::call_once(m_flagOneTime, [&]() {mp_singleton = new Singleton;}); return mp_singleton; } void doSomeWork() { Singleton *ptr1 = Singleton::GetInstance(); cout<<"Address of pointer one is - "<< &ptr1 <<endl; cout<<"Address of pointer Singleton pointer from pointer one is - "<< &(*ptr1) <<endl; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { thread t1(doSomeWork); t1.join(); thread t2(doSomeWork); t2.join(); return 0; }
Std::call_once function help us to call any function only one time, and that is exactly we was looking in our code. I have used lambda expression, to create Singleton object inside call_once function.
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